Live Game Updates
If you’ve ever played a uus77 you will know that these titles offer updates to the game content that can be downloaded while you play. This allows games to keep their players engaged over a longer period of time by adding new features and events to the experience. The update process can also be used to gather valuable user feedback to improve the gameplay experience.
Key Moments: Highlights and Replays as They Happen
The benefits of creating a Live Game are considerable for both the player and developer. However, there are some key factors that need to be considered when deciding to create one. For example, the target audience’s preference for continuous engagement and long-term progression versus a self-contained game with a definitive end, and the team’s capability to manage ongoing community management and server infrastructure.
Developing a game for live updates requires an approach that is flexible, and allows for rapid changes. This is especially important for mobile games where the number of players and average session length can fluctuate rapidly. With the right approach, developers can easily adapt the game and make changes that are safe, quick to implement, and highly visible to the player.
This is where the concept of “Live Ops” comes in. Live ops is all about being responsive to user feedback and ensuring that updates are tested for their impact on key metrics such as MAU or ASU. This enables teams to be more proactive in identifying the customer issues and providing more tailored support solutions.